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| SpecialForce DFI D3D Hack Source Code | |
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Crimee Member
Posts : 26 AP : 44796 Join date : 24/08/2012 Age : 28
| Subject: SpecialForce DFI D3D Hack Source Code Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:20 am | |
| SpecialForce DFI D3D Hack Source Features: Chams // Only Character, missing addons, weapons and zombies Crosshair Asus FullBright Hotkey: Numpad 1-Crosshair; 2- Chams; 3- Fullbright; 4-Asus Status: Undetected Supported OS: Xp, Vista and 7 CMain.cpp - Code:
#include "CTools.h" #include "CMain.h" #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx9.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "d3d9.lib") LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 Red,Green; BOOL DrawIndexedPrimitive_Check = TRUE; DWORD DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook; DWORD DrawIndexedPrimitive_Jump; BOOL DrawIndexedPrimitive_CheckPtr = FALSE; VOID WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Breakpoint(); LONG WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Exception(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ExceptionInfo); HRESULT (WINAPI* DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer)(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9,D3DPRIMITIVETYPE,INT,UINT,UINT,UINT,UINT); float CenterX = 0.0f; float CenterY = 0.0f; VOID WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Main(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice,D3DPRIMITIVETYPE Type,INT BaseVertexIndex,UINT MinIndex,UINT NumVertices,UINT StartIndex,UINT PrimitiveCount) { LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 Stream; UINT Stride; UINT Offset; if ( pDevice->GetStreamSource(0,&Stream,&Offset,&Stride) == D3D_OK ) { Stream->Release(); } DrawIndexedPrimitive_CheckPtr = TRUE; if(!Tools.DrawTexture) { Tools.GenerateTexture(pDevice,&Green,D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,255,0)); Tools.GenerateTexture(pDevice,&Red,D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,0,0)); Tools.DrawTexture = true; }
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD4)&1) Tools.Asus=!Tools.Asus; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)&1) Tools.FullBright=!Tools.FullBright; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2)&1) Tools.DrawChams=!Tools.DrawChams; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)&1) Tools.DrawCrosshair=!Tools.DrawCrosshair; pDevice->GetViewport(&Tools.pViewport); CenterX = (float)Tools.pViewport.Width / 2; CenterY = (float)Tools.pViewport.Height / 2; if(Tools.DrawCrosshair) { D3DRECT rec1 = {CenterX-8, CenterY, CenterX+ 8+1, CenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec2 = {CenterX, CenterY-8, CenterX+ 1, CenterY+8+1}; pDevice->Clear( 1, &rec1, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,255,255), 0, 0 ); pDevice->Clear( 1, &rec2, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,255,255), 0, 0 ); D3DRECT rec3 = {CenterX-2, CenterY, CenterX+ 2+1, CenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec4 = {CenterX, CenterY-2, CenterX+ 1, CenterY+2+1}; pDevice->Clear( 1, &rec3, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,0,0), 0, 0 ); pDevice->Clear( 1, &rec4, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,0,0), 0, 0 ); } if(Tools.DrawChams) { if(SSD1||SSD2||SSD3||SSD4||SSD5||SSD6||SSD7||SSD8||SSD9||PSU1||PSU2||PSU3||PSU4||PSU5||PSU6||PSU7||PSU8||PSU9||Mulan1||Mulan2||Mulan3||Mulan4||Mulan5||Mulan6||Mulan7||Mulan8||Mulan9||ForceRecon1||ForceRecon2||ForceRecon3||ForceRecon4||ForceRecon5||ForceRecon6||ForceRecon7||ForceRecon8||ForceRecon9||SRG1||SRG2||SRG3||SRG4||SRG5||SRG6||SRG7||SRG8||SRG9||KSF1||KSF2||KSF3||KSF4||KSF5||KSF6||KSF7||KSF8||KSF9||SAS1||SAS2||SAS3||SAS4||SAS5||SAS6||SAS7||SAS8||ROKMC1||ROKMC2||ROKMC3||ROKMC4||ROKMC5||ROKMC6||GSG91||GSG92||GSG93||GSG94||GSG95||GSG96||GSG97||GSG98||GSG99||GIGN1||GIGN2||GIGN3||GIGN4||GIGN5||GIGN6||Delta||Spetsnaz1||Spetsnaz2||Spetsnaz3||Spetsnaz4||Spetsnaz5||Spetsnaz6||PASKAL1||PASKAL2||PASKAL3||RISA1||RISA2||RISA3||BlackDevil1||BlackDevil2||BlackDevil3||BlackDevil4||BlackDevil5) { pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE,FALSE); pDevice->SetTexture( 0, Red ); // Disable for Naked DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(pDevice,Type,BaseVertexIndex,MinIndex,NumVertices,StartIndex,PrimitiveCount); pDevice->SetTexture( 0, Green ); // Disable for Naked pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE,TRUE); } } if(Tools.FullBright) { if(Stride == 40) pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); } if(!Tools.FullBright) { if(Stride == 40) pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, true); } if(Tools.Asus) { if(Stride == 40) { pDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, 2 ); pDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, 3 ); pDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, true ); } } if(!Tools.Asus) { if(Stride == 40) { pDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, 0 ); pDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, 0 ); pDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, false ); } } DrawIndexedPrimitive_CheckPtr = FALSE; } __declspec(naked)VOID WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Call() { if ( DrawIndexedPrimitive_Check == TRUE ) { DrawIndexedPrimitive_Breakpoint(); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Check = FALSE; } if ( Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(6,1,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) || Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(6,0,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) ) { __asm { MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+0x8] // --- Vista and 7 XOR EBX,EBX CMP EDI,EBX PUSHFD PUSHAD JMP SEXY } } if ( Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(5,1,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) || Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(5,2,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) ) { __asm { PUSH EBX // --- XP PUSH ESI MOV ESI,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] PUSHFD PUSHAD JMP SEXY } } __asm { SEXY: MOV EDX,[DrawIndexedPrimitive_CheckPtr] CMP EDX,0x0 JG Jump PUSH [EBP+0x20] PUSH [EBP+0x1C] PUSH [EBP+0x18] PUSH [EBP+0x14] PUSH [EBP+0x10] PUSH [EBP+0xC] PUSH [EBP+0x8] CALL [DrawIndexedPrimitive_Main] Jump: POPAD POPFD CMP EDI,EBX JMP [DrawIndexedPrimitive_Jump] } } LONG WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Exception(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ExceptionInfo) { if ( ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP && (DWORD)ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress == DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook ) { ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Eip = (DWORD)DrawIndexedPrimitive_Call; return ( EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION ); } return ( EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ); } VOID WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Breakpoint() { AddVectoredExceptionHandler((rand()%0xFFFFFF),DrawIndexedPrimitive_Exception); CONTEXT Context = {CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS}; Context.Dr0 = DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook; Context.Dr7 = 0x1; SetThreadContext(GetCurrentThread(),&Context); } } } VOID WINAPI D3DHack() { PDWORD dwD3DVTable; do { *(DWORD*)&dwD3DVTable = *(DWORD*)Tools.D3D9vTable(); } while ( !dwD3DVTable ); if ( Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(6,1,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) || Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(6,0,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) ) { DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook = ( dwD3DVTable[82] + 0x2D ); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Jump = ( DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook + 0x7 ); *(PDWORD)(&DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer) = (DWORD)dwD3DVTable[82]; Tools.DetourCreate((BYTE*)DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook,(BYTE*)DrawIndexedPrimitive_Call,5); } else if( Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(5,1,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) || Tools.CheckWindowsVersion(5,2,VER_NT_WORKSTATION) ) { DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook = ( dwD3DVTable[82] + 0x1D ); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Jump = ( DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook + 0x5 ); *(PDWORD)(&DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer) = (DWORD)dwD3DVTable[82]; Tools.DetourCreate((BYTE*)DrawIndexedPrimitive_Hook,(BYTE*)DrawIndexedPrimitive_Call,5); } else { MessageBoxA(GetActiveWindow()," CoderName: Your System IsN't Supported","Error",MB_OK); ExitProcess(0); } } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule,DWORD dwReason,LPVOID lpReserved) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpReserved); if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { CreateThread(0,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)D3DHack,0,0,0); } return ( TRUE ); } CMain.h - Code:
//----- Special Force Character Defines------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //----- SSD Character #define SSD1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==130) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==213)) #define SSD2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==130) && (NumVertices==100) && (StartIndex==639) && (PrimitiveCount==146)) #define SSD3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==230) && (NumVertices==113) && (StartIndex==1077) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define SSD4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==343) && (NumVertices==525) && (StartIndex==1581) && (PrimitiveCount==716)) #define SSD5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==868) && (NumVertices==130) && (StartIndex==3729) && (PrimitiveCount==213)) #define SSD6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==998) && (NumVertices==100) && (StartIndex==4368) && (PrimitiveCount==146)) #define SSD7 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1098) && (NumVertices==113) && (StartIndex==4806) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define SSD8 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1211) && (NumVertices==260) && (StartIndex==5310) && (PrimitiveCount==394)) #define SSD9 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1471) && (NumVertices==591) && (StartIndex==6492) && (PrimitiveCount==948)) //----- End SSD Character //----- PSU Character #define PSU1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==87) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==139)) #define PSU2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==87) && (NumVertices==79) && (StartIndex==417) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define PSU3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==166) && (NumVertices==126) && (StartIndex==732) && (PrimitiveCount==172)) #define PSU4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==292) && (NumVertices==555) && (StartIndex==1248) && (PrimitiveCount==740)) #define PSU5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==847) && (NumVertices==87) && (StartIndex==3468) && (PrimitiveCount==139)) #define PSU6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==934) && (NumVertices==79) && (StartIndex==3885) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define PSU7 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1013) && (NumVertices==126) && (StartIndex==4200) && (PrimitiveCount==172)) #define PSU8 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1139) && (NumVertices==499) && (StartIndex==4716) && (PrimitiveCount==624)) #define PSU9 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1638) && (NumVertices==523) && (StartIndex==6588) && (PrimitiveCount==846)) //----- End PSU Character //----- Mulan Character #define Mulan1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==90) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==146)) #define Mulan2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==90) && (NumVertices==118) && (StartIndex==438) && (PrimitiveCount==126)) #define Mulan3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==208) && (NumVertices==121) && (StartIndex==816) && (PrimitiveCount==180)) #define Mulan4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==329) && (NumVertices==299) && (StartIndex==1356) && (PrimitiveCount==452)) #define Mulan5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==628) && (NumVertices==90) && (StartIndex==2712) && (PrimitiveCount==146)) #define Mulan6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==718) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==3150) && (PrimitiveCount==126)) #define Mulan7 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==842) && (NumVertices==121) && (StartIndex==3528) && (PrimitiveCount==180)) #define Mulan8 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==963) && (NumVertices==295) && (StartIndex==4068) && (PrimitiveCount==482)) #define Mulan9 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1258) && (NumVertices==474) && (StartIndex==5514) && (PrimitiveCount==728)) //----- End Mulan Character //----- ForceRecon Character #define ForceRecon1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==83) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==137)) #define ForceRecon2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==83) && (NumVertices==79) && (StartIndex==411) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define ForceRecon3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==162) && (NumVertices==142) && (StartIndex==726) && (PrimitiveCount==174)) #define ForceRecon4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==304) && (NumVertices==278) && (StartIndex==1248) && (PrimitiveCount==462)) #define ForceRecon5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==582) && (NumVertices==83) && (StartIndex==2634) && (PrimitiveCount==137)) #define ForceRecon6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==665) && (NumVertices==79) && (StartIndex==3045) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define ForceRecon7 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==744) && (NumVertices==142) && (StartIndex==3360) && (PrimitiveCount==174)) #define ForceRecon8 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==886) && (NumVertices==263) && (StartIndex==3882) && (PrimitiveCount==290)) #define ForceRecon9 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1149) && (NumVertices==316) && (StartIndex==4752) && (PrimitiveCount==556)) //----- End ForceRecon Character //----- SRG Character #define SRG1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==159) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==200)) #define SRG2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==159) && (NumVertices==100) && (StartIndex==600) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define SRG3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==259) && (NumVertices==132) && (StartIndex==963) && (PrimitiveCount==180)) #define SRG4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==391) && (NumVertices==338) && (StartIndex==1503) && (PrimitiveCount==534)) #define SRG5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==729) && (NumVertices==105) && (StartIndex==3105) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define SRG6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==834) && (NumVertices==100) && (StartIndex==3609) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define SRG7 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==934) && (NumVertices==132) && (StartIndex==3972) && (PrimitiveCount==180)) #define SRG8 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1066) && (NumVertices==804) && (StartIndex==4512) && (PrimitiveCount==1016)) #define SRG9 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1870) && (NumVertices==448) && (StartIndex==7560) && (PrimitiveCount==776)) //----- End SRG Character //----- KSF Character #define KSF1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==75) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define KSF2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==75) && (NumVertices==92) && (StartIndex==363) && (PrimitiveCount==115)) #define KSF3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==167) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==708) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define KSF4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==291) && (NumVertices==301) && (StartIndex==1212) && (PrimitiveCount==522)) #define KSF5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==592) && (NumVertices==75) && (StartIndex==2778) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define KSF6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==667) && (NumVertices==92) && (StartIndex==3141) && (PrimitiveCount==115)) #define KSF7 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==759) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==3486) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define KSF8 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==883) && (NumVertices==187) && (StartIndex==3990) && (PrimitiveCount==288)) #define KSF9 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1070) && (NumVertices==353) && (StartIndex==4854) && (PrimitiveCount==556)) //----- End KSF Character //----- SAS Character #define SAS1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==75) && (NumVertices==85) && (StartIndex==363) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define SAS2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==160) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==678) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define SAS3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==284) && (NumVertices==370) && (StartIndex==1182) && (PrimitiveCount==650)) #define SAS4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==654) && (NumVertices==75) && (StartIndex==3132) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define SAS5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==729) && (NumVertices==85) && (StartIndex==3495) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define SAS6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==814) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==3810) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define SAS7 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==938) && (NumVertices==180) && (StartIndex==4314) && (PrimitiveCount==274)) #define SAS8 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1118) && (NumVertices==367) && (StartIndex==5136) && (PrimitiveCount==612)) //----- End SAS Character //----- ROKMC Character #define ROKMC1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==284) && (NumVertices==365) && (StartIndex==1182) && (PrimitiveCount==642)) #define ROKMC2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==649) && (NumVertices==75) && (StartIndex==3108) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define ROKMC3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==724) && (NumVertices==85) && (StartIndex==3471) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define ROKMC4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==809) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==3786) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define ROKMC5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==933) && (NumVertices==194) && (StartIndex==4290) && (PrimitiveCount==260)) #define ROKMC6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1127) && (NumVertices==379) && (StartIndex==5070) && (PrimitiveCount==592)) //----- End ROKMC Character //----- GSG9 Character #define GSG91 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==75) && (NumVertices==88) && (StartIndex==363) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define GSG92 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==163) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==678) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define GSG93 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==287) && (NumVertices==369) && (StartIndex==1182) && (PrimitiveCount==650)) #define GSG94 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==656) && (NumVertices==75) && (StartIndex==3132) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define GSG95 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==731) && (NumVertices==88) && (StartIndex==3495) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define GSG96 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==819) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==3810) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define GSG97 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==943) && (NumVertices==196) && (StartIndex==4314) && (PrimitiveCount==314)) #define GSG98 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1139) && (NumVertices==355) && (StartIndex==5256) && (PrimitiveCount==568)) #define GSG99 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1494) && (NumVertices==22) && (StartIndex==6960) && (PrimitiveCount==24)) //----- End GSG9 Character //----- GIGN Character #define GIGN1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==284) && (NumVertices==369) && (StartIndex==1182) && (PrimitiveCount==650)) #define GIGN2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==653) && (NumVertices==75) && (StartIndex==3132) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define GIGN3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==728) && (NumVertices==85) && (StartIndex==3495) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define GIGN4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==813) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==3810) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define GIGN5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==937) && (NumVertices==212) && (StartIndex==4314) && (PrimitiveCount==306)) #define GIGN6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1149) && (NumVertices==362) && (StartIndex==5232) && (PrimitiveCount==604)) //----- End GIGN Character //----- Delta Character #define Delta ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1118) && (NumVertices==349) && (StartIndex==5136) && (PrimitiveCount==580)) //----- End Delta Character //----- Spetsnaz Character #define Spetsnaz1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==284) && (NumVertices==380) && (StartIndex==1182) && (PrimitiveCount==658)) #define Spetsnaz2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==664) && (NumVertices==75) && (StartIndex==3156) && (PrimitiveCount==121)) #define Spetsnaz3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==739) && (NumVertices==85) && (StartIndex==3519) && (PrimitiveCount==105)) #define Spetsnaz4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==824) && (NumVertices==124) && (StartIndex==3834) && (PrimitiveCount==168)) #define Spetsnaz5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==948) && (NumVertices==183) && (StartIndex==4338) && (PrimitiveCount==268)) #define Spetsnaz6 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1131) && (NumVertices==361) && (StartIndex==5142) && (PrimitiveCount==604)) //----- End Spetsnaz Character //----- New Character Defines #define PASKAL1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==1441) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==1776)) #define PASKAL2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1441) && (NumVertices==1631) && (StartIndex==5328) && (PrimitiveCount==1577)) #define PASKAL3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==3072) && (NumVertices==122) && (StartIndex==10059) && (PrimitiveCount==128)) #define RISA1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==1516) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==2122)) #define RISA2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1516) && (NumVertices==713) && (StartIndex==6366) && (PrimitiveCount==962)) #define RISA3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==2229) && (NumVertices==214) && (StartIndex==9252) && (PrimitiveCount==130)) #define BlackDevil1 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==0) && (NumVertices==1322) && (StartIndex==0) && (PrimitiveCount==1674)) #define BlackDevil2 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==1322) && (NumVertices==1091) && (StartIndex==5022) && (PrimitiveCount==1702)) #define BlackDevil3 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==2413) && (NumVertices==8) && (StartIndex==10128) && (PrimitiveCount==6)) #define BlackDevil4 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==2421) && (NumVertices==8) && (StartIndex==10146) && (PrimitiveCount==6)) #define BlackDevil5 ((Stride==40) && (BaseVertexIndex==0) && (MinIndex==2429) && (NumVertices==10) && (StartIndex==10164) && (PrimitiveCount==8)) //----- End New Character Defines //----- End Special Force Character Defines----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTools.cpp - Code:
#include "CTools.h" CTools Tools; DWORD CTools::D3D9VTable() { DWORD dwObjBase = (DWORD)LoadLibraryA("D3D9.DLL"); while ( dwObjBase++ < dwObjBase + 0x127850 ) { if ( (*(WORD*)(dwObjBase + 0x00)) == 0x06C7 && (*(WORD*)(dwObjBase + 0x06)) == 0x8689 && (*(WORD*)(dwObjBase + 0x0C)) == 0x8689 ) { dwObjBase += 2; break; } } return ( dwObjBase ); } BOOL CTools::CheckWindowsVersion(DWORD dwMajorVersion,DWORD dwMinorVersion,DWORD dwProductType) { OSVERSIONINFOEX VersionInfo; ZeroMemory(&VersionInfo,sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(VersionInfo); GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO*)&VersionInfo); if ( VersionInfo.dwMajorVersion == dwMajorVersion ) { if ( VersionInfo.dwMinorVersion == dwMinorVersion ) { if ( VersionInfo.wProductType == dwProductType ) { return ( TRUE ); } } } return ( FALSE ); } void *CTools::DetourCreate(BYTE *src, const BYTE *dst, const int len) { BYTE *jmp = (BYTE*)malloc(len+5); DWORD dwBack; VirtualProtect(src, len, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwBack); memcpy(jmp, src, len); jmp += len; jmp[0] = 0xE9; *(DWORD*)(jmp+1) = (DWORD)(src+len - jmp) - 5; src[0] = 0xE9; *(DWORD*)(src+1) = (DWORD)(dst - src) - 5; for (int i=5; i<len; i++) src[i]=0x90; VirtualProtect(src, len, dwBack, &dwBack); return (jmp-len); } HRESULT CTools::GenerateTexture( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture9 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32 ) { if( FAILED(pD3Ddev->CreateTexture(8, 8, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, ppD3Dtex, NULL)) ) return E_FAIL; WORD colour16 = ((WORD)((colour32>>28)&0xF)<<12) |(WORD)(((colour32>>20)&0xF)<<8) |(WORD)(((colour32>>12)&0xF)<<4) |(WORD)(((colour32>>4)&0xF)<<0); D3DLOCKED_RECT d3dlr; (*ppD3Dtex)->LockRect(0, &d3dlr, 0, 0); WORD *pDst16 = (WORD*)d3dlr.pBits; for(int xy=0; xy < 8*8; xy++) *pDst16++ = colour16; (*ppD3Dtex)->UnlockRect(0); return S_OK; } CTools.h - Code:
#include <windows.h> #include <d3d9.h> #include <d3dx9.h> class CTools { public: D3DVIEWPORT9 pViewport; BOOL DrawTexture; BOOL DrawCrosshair; BOOL DrawChams; BOOL FullBright; BOOL Asus; DWORD D3D9VTable(); BOOL CheckWindowsVersion(DWORD dwMajorVersion,DWORD dwMinorVersion,DWORD dwProductType); void *DetourCreate( BYTE *src, const BYTE *dst, const int len ); HRESULT GenerateTexture( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture9 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32 ); }; extern CTools Tools; Require: Brain.exe C++ | |
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